Brahmavihara Monastery is rooted in the Theravāda traditions. The monastery strives to provide a meditation practice platform for monastic and laity.
Brahmavihara's Location
Brahmavihara Monastery & Retreat Centre
Lot 21825, Jalan Wakaf, Bertam Ulu, 76450, Melaka, Malaysia.
Guests should call up beforehand (Bro Chew 019 6573161 or Whatsapp Enquiry/ appointment 014 2948 549 ) if you wish to visit outside these hours to ensure gates are opened.
Please enter through Gate B
每天开放时间为上午 8:00 至下午 2:00。
如果访客希望在上述时间以外参观,应提前致电以(周居士019 6573161 or Whatsapp 查询/预约014 2948 549 )确保大门开放。